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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

Smiling young woman undergoing an eye exam.

a thorough eye exam can uncover much more than just vision issues; it can also identify a range of serious health conditions that might otherwise go unnoticed, including:
Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Multiple sclerosis
Thyroid disease
Cardiovascular disease
Autoimmune disorders

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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

A male optometrist and a female patient smiling while discussing the results of an eye exam.

Regular comprehensive eye exams aren’t just about updating a prescription—though they’re important for that too! They’re about taking the time to let a professional examine your eyes in full and look out for all kinds of potential conditions long before they become a problem. However, you might be wondering: how long does an eye exam […]

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How Do MiSight Contact Lenses Work?

A young boy putting on a MiSight contact lens on his right eye.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, has become a common part of our visual landscape. As parents and individuals, it’s important to seek effective solutions for controlling this refractive error. One innovative option has emerged—MiSight contact lenses. MiSight lenses work by not only correcting nearsighted vision, but they can also help prevent worsening vision by slowing the shape […]

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