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Category: Eye Exam

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

Smiling young woman undergoing an eye exam.

a thorough eye exam can uncover much more than just vision issues; it can also identify a range of serious health conditions that might otherwise go unnoticed, including:
Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Multiple sclerosis
Thyroid disease
Cardiovascular disease
Autoimmune disorders

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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

A male optometrist and a female patient smiling while discussing the results of an eye exam.

Regular comprehensive eye exams aren’t just about updating a prescription—though they’re important for that too! They’re about taking the time to let a professional examine your eyes in full and look out for all kinds of potential conditions long before they become a problem. However, you might be wondering: how long does an eye exam […]

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