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Category: Eye Health

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How to Tell If a Contact Lens Is in Your Eye

A close-up of a person examining a contact lens placed carefully on their index finger

First, the good news: a contact lens cannot slip behind your eye due to the conjunctiva, a transparent membrane that creates a barrier between the front and back of the eye. If you’re unsure whether your lens is still in your eye, gently inspect your eye in a mirror, blink slowly to reposition it, and use safe removal methods if it feels stuck.

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What Is Commonly Misdiagnosed as Pink Eye?

A man showing signs of conjunctivitis on his left eye.

The stinging feeling, telltale redness, and the rapid spread across the eye —one’s first suspicion might naturally drift to pink eye experiencing these indicators. Yet, this condition is not always what it seems. Eye allergies, dry eye syndrome, and non-infectious conjunctivitis are all commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye. Sometimes it’s obvious what the problem is […]

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