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How Do MiSight Contact Lenses Work?

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A young boy putting on a MiSight contact lens on his right eye.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, has become a common part of our visual landscape. As parents and individuals, it’s important to seek effective solutions for controlling this refractive error. One innovative option has emerged—MiSight contact lenses. MiSight lenses work by not only correcting nearsighted vision, but they can also help prevent worsening vision by slowing the shape and growth of the eye.

These specially designed lenses are different in design and function than a standard soft contact lens, which can offer advantages. But a first step is having your child’s eye doctor examine their eyes and determine whether MiSight lenses are a suitable option. 

Understanding Myopia

Myopia is a refractive error where an individual sees close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred. It occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea has too much curvature. This abnormal shape causes light rays to focus at a point in front of the retina rather than directly on its surface. The result is blurred distant vision.

Myopia generally starts in childhood and worsens as the child’s eyes continue growing into their early 20s, and it’s more than a temporary inconvenience. Myopia can significantly increase the risk of serious vision problems later in life, such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, and cataracts if it progresses into high myopia.

Traditional Contact Lenses vs. MiSight Contact Lenses

The approach to myopia correction and management has typically been anchored on 2 key solutions: prescription eyeglasses or traditional contact lenses. While these effectively counteract the refractive errors caused by myopia and can provide clear vision for your child, they do little to address its ongoing progression meaning their prescription is likely to worsen over time.

This is where CooperVision’s MiSight contact lenses take a groundbreaking step forward. 

How are MiSight Lenses Different?

MiSight lenses are not your typical contacts. Unlike the straightforward correction provided by single-vision contact lenses, MiSight lenses include a special focus at the peripheral part of the lens. This design helps manage the worsening of myopia in addition to correcting the refractive error. 

How MiSight Contact Lenses Work

Now, you might wonder how a humble contact lens can wield such significant influence over the complex changes that define myopia’s progression. The secret lies in their dual-focus technology.

Dual-Focus Technology Explained

MiSight lenses use a technique referred to as dual-focus. These are soft, daily-wear contact lenses designed to correct the refractive error associated with myopia while providing clear vision at the same time. The unique innovation paves the way for a new approach to managing myopia in young wearers. By implementing alternating visual patterns, these lenses encourage the eye to elongate less rapidly, thus reducing the progression of myopia over time.

Slowing Myopia 

Myopia can be described as a “growing” refractive error, as the eyeball’s lengthening is a significant factor in changing prescriptions over time. MiSight lenses can disrupt this growth pattern and act as a barrier to the eye’s natural inclination to elongate. This disruption essentially re-instructs the eye towards a more stable growth path.

These changes can have significant long-term benefits, potentially reducing the need for stronger prescriptions and, more importantly, lowering the risks associated with severe or high myopia mentioned above.

User Experience

Beyond the clinical benefits is the practical user experience. MiSight lenses are comfortable and easy to use, which is a critical consideration. Treatment solutions for a refractive error as prevalent as myopia need to be not only clinically effective but also convenient and conducive to a child’s everyday activities.

The Science Behind MiSight Contact Lenses

It’s not just a neat concept—there’s scientific weight behind the dual-focus technology MiSight lenses employ. Long-term clinical trials show promising results in these lenses’ ability to reduce myopia progression. The research is extensive and peer-reviewed.

Studies spanning several years have demonstrated that MiSight lenses can slow down myopia progression by around 59% on average. This is a significant finding, setting MiSight lenses apart as a leading treatment approach for managing myopia.

For parents worried about their child’s myopia, this evidence offers tangible hope and a proactive solution to a condition that was typically considered inevitable.

Take a Step Towards Clear Vision Today

A young girl undergoing an eye exam to determine if MiSight contact lenses.

MiSight lenses are not simply a new option in contact lenses—they represent a shift in our approach to a common vision problem, trying to address the issue early. MiSight lenses are leading the charge in providing a holistic solution that parents and myopia sufferers can trust, and they offer a combination of comfort, convenience, and scientifically backed myopia management. If you’re considering your options for myopia correction, it’s certainly worth exploring the potential benefits this technology can bring.Call our team at Virginia Eyecare Clinic today to book your child an examination. One of our experienced optometrists can examine their eyes to determine if MiSight is a good option. And if these contact lenses aren’t suitable, we can review alternative—yet still effective—myopia control solutions with you.

Written by Dr. Amanda Umlandt

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